#APP #APK Update

Dear #Birdchainians

We've noticed our new #APK #APP we forked from the previous version has been halted by Google #playstore.

They have requested us to make updates to the #APP and we are working to fix it.

Also, we have submitted the new #APK file to Samsung #playstore.
We will let you know once it's ready for download.

Also, we are working hard to launch #Birdchain #DeFi #SWAP platform with multiple products which will add more value to the #BIRDs token.

Don't forget, #Birdchain is now available on #pancakeswap.

You can now start adding Liquidity using your #Bird bep-20 tokens on #pancakeswap and stand to benefit more extra Birds plus LP token. Put your #BIRDs token at work now on pancakeswap.

Direct link to add liquidity:: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/add/0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c/0xC9c7C6A590E82C576de7553142d47a5fb63f9e90

For direct #SWAP, please contact support at [email protected]

Stay tuned for more updates
("#Birdchain Never Dies")

Birdchain official social profiles for more information:

Official website: https://www.birdchainapp.com/

BinanceSmartChain #BSC #BEP20 #BINANCE #blockchain

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