#Birdchain Payout Update for Month of June

Dear #Birdchainians

For this month of June, Netherlands #Birdchainians are leading on the #BIRD ads feature, followed by Brazil, the US, Italy, and other countries.

See the chart below.

Did you know that when you complete a task in the #BIRDs ads section, it benefits you and the project alike?

Here is a breakdown of the revenue distribution generated from #BIRD ads.

30% is rewarded to user who completes tasks
25% is allocated to the staking pool (To be announced soon)
15% goes to token buy-back
30% is held for operational expenses

Keep completing tasks to earn more rewards.

Don't forget #Birdchain BEP20 is available on #Pancakeswap and #IndoEx Exchange.

Direct link to Trade on #Pancakeswap.

Direct links to Trade #Birdchain on #IndoEx.

Want to grab free #BIRD tokens, install the #Birdchain app, and complete tasks.

For any other assistance, contact our support at support@birdchainapp.com

Birdchain official social profiles for more information:

Official website: https://www.birdchainapp.com/

BinanceSmartChain #BSC #BEP20 #BINANCE #blockchain