#Birdchain top active users

Dear #Birdchainians

Congrats to all U.S #Birdchainians.

So far, U.S #Birchainians are leading massively in activeness via the #Birdchain app - followed closely by India, Nigeria, Indonesia, Brazil.

see the chart below

Did you know you can advertise your products and services on the #Birdchain ads platform?

You want the right people to know about your products and services at the right time.

The #Birdchain ads platforms can help you reach the right people and here is how to launch an ads campaign.

Log in to your #Birdchain account from here

Or create an account if you don't have one yet.

  1. Deposit #Birdchain BIRD tokens into your account
    you can get BIRD tokens from any exchange #Birdchain is listed on.

or you can #SWAP for #BIRD tokens directly on #pancakeswap using this link

For advertisement, we can accept ERC20 tokens of probit exchange. We can manually #SWAP ERC20 tokens.

We wrote a detailed guide for how to run a #Birdchain ads campaign step by step in the following article.

Don't forget to install the latest #Birdchain app to grab free #BIRD tokens

Need assistance for launching a #Birdchain ads campaign, contact our support at support@birdchainapp.com

Birdchain official social profiles for more information:

Official website: https://www.birdchainapp.com/

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