How to launch my ads on Birdchain app? 4 simple steps

Birdchain app supports, for now, two ad types: images and YouTube videos. Whichever type you find more suitable for your needs, the process of launching a campaign is very similar. Here is how you can launch your own ad on Birdchain app — in 4 simple steps!

1. Log In / Registration

Go to and log in using the same email and password that you use for the Birdchain app.

Or set up completely new and unrelated account, by clicking on “Register”.
When registering, fill in all required fields and include the Promo code, if you have one.

Note that the password should contain at least 8 symbols — at least one capital letter, at least one lowercase letter, and one number.

Click “Next”.

Enter some basic information about yourself: gender, country, birth date, interests. This information is not mandatory but will help us sort out the best content for you.

Click “Next”.

Read the terms and conditions and check all three boxes. Then click on the “Register” button. That is it!

2. Creating your first Campaign

After successful login (or registration) you were directed to Birdchain advertiser’s dashboard.

To create your first campaign, simply click on “Create Campaign” :)

3. The creative Part

In the new window, fill in the information visible for your target audience:

Campaign name will not be visible to users. It is for Birdchain’s and your own background use, making it easy to identify a specific campaign.

Title — think of an engaging title for your campaign. It will be visible in native notifications and should be appealing to invite people to open the app and see your content.

From — the displayed name of your company or brand.

Your media. Pick the kind of content for your campaign: image (+ some text) or video from YouTube.

If you choose „Image“ you will be able to add a small text in Your Message, to complement the message in your image.

4. The strategic part

Here you will be able to set your target audience, rewards, duration of the campaign and an additional link to your website or social media account.

BIRD/view — how many tokens do you want to spend per every single view of your campaign. We recommend 10 BIRDs per view.

BIRD/click — you can set a specific link that you would like Birdchain app users to visit. Set the number of BIRD tokens you would like to reward per each visit.

After you set the price per click you can enter the Link to Your Landing Page. You can enter shot link or link with tracking parameters. They will work.
Expire Date — when the ad will become invisible for app users.

Locations — Specify the countries where you would like your content to be shown. Please note that some crypto related content doesn’t comply with certain countries regulations.

Important notice — it is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that his content that does not infringe any laws.

Click on “Send Campaign” button.


You successfully created your first campaign to be broadcasted to the Birdchain app users. It will feature on the Birdchain app as soon as it is approved by our administrators.

We are confident that the results of the campaign will meet your expectations, and that you will use Birdchain to launch more and more campaigns!

Birdchain is a new tool, constantly growing and improving. Soon we will have even more features to reach new audiences!

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