The Swap, #P2pb2b, #Probit and #Birdchain App will support the swap.

So far we are getting ready for the big moves coming. #p2pb2b will officially support our swap to either #bsc or #Tron Network. You can now feel more comfortable to acquired and hold your #Birdchain token on #p2pb2b.
More means and exchange will be coming which will support the swap to either #bsc or #tron.

Base on our current analysis, #Binance smart chain is leading on our scale, but no conclusion is made yet. 23 th of this month will confirm that.

Regarding the #Swap, our Current App will support the Swap, #probit Exchange will support the swap, #p2pb2b Exchange will support the swap. We will make sure to add more options as we move ahead.



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BinanceSmartChain #BSC #BEP20 #trc20 #BINANCE #TronNetwork #blockchain