Getting Started

#Birdchain Available on #pancakeswap.

If you have not yet started using decentralized exchange, then know you are missing a lot of fun and profit in the crypto space. Birdchain

Birdchain New Gen

How to Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain.

Installing and setting up MetaMask MetaMask can be downloaded on Chrome and Firefox, or on iOS and Android if you’re a mobile user. For the

Birdchain New Gen

How to Add #Birdchain BEP20 Token To Trust Wallet.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the token list and select ‘Add Custom Token’.Set the network to ‘Smart Chain’. Enter #BirdChain smart c

Birdchain New Gen

#BirdChain #App is now Available on the Samsung Galaxy store.

BirdChain #App is now Available on the Samsung Galaxy store. you can now download or upgrade your #Birdchain #APP via the SamSung Galaxy st

Birdchain New Gen

#Birdchain Mega update.

Birdchain Mega update.Dear Birdchainian, our dev team has decided we launch #Birdchain DEFI swap platform on Binance smart chain which will

Birdchain New Gen

#BirdChain Major RoadMap is now Available

BirdChain Major RoadMap is now Available, our team and dev are fully ready to take every milestone trash.To view our long term RoadMap, vis

Birdchain New Gen

#Birdchain, A new beginning on Binance Smart chain.

Our Temp Roadmap updated with every milestone completed. Our Major Roadmap will be released tomorrow. Questions:: Please can you tell me mo

Birdchain New Gen

#New app available on playstore

New app available on playstore, please update your #BirdChain App to the latest version. #New team getting ready to start making some massi

Birdchain New Gen

An Update Regarding Roadmap.

Dear Birdchainian, The listing coming up on the 31/03/2021 has been postponed. After consideration, the team decided that it would make mor

Birdchain New Gen